Monday, September 29, 2014

Favorite App

Favorite App

 My favorite app is Jigsaw. I like Jigsaw because it has a new free puzzle everyday. This app was recommended by a friend so I took the opportunity and I got it. Ever since I got it I have been hooked. You can change the number of puzzle pieces that you have and thats what I like most. When the teacher gives us free time I play on jigsaw and thats how I spend my day.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Make My Mark

Make My Mark
 Making your mark on the world doesn’t mean the same thing to everybody. For some it might be helping an elderly across the street, walking your neighbors dog or picking up trash around the community. I’m going to hold myself accountable for when I see people in the school having a bad day try to lift their spirit. It might be a simple “hey how’s it going?” or “what’s up?” just knowing that might have helped them out of their slump. If I see somebody at lunch and they’re sitting by themselves, I will make my best effort to go and sit by them. You don’t have to make a big mark but make an impact.
  I also want to make a mark on kids that are younger than me. I want to be a role model somebody they look up to and want to be. I would like to help kids set goals, whether its in sports, academics,singing,acting  or even in church. They should have a older person to come to besides their parents to tell them all the cool things they have accomplished. I would love to be that person to encourage them to go out and try things that they never thought they would do. Now these things won’t make a dramatic change in todays society but this is how I plan to make my mark.